Sustainable Play Grounds

Founder Mike Dieterich developed the policies for sustainable playgrounds in DC. This later evolved into the scope of work for the RFP related to DC Play sites. One of those projects Harry Thomas Sr Playground in Washington, D.C.  is math-themed, taking its design inspiration from the Fibonacci sequence, a numeric pattern in which the next number is always the sum of the last two. The curves of the paths and play equipment are shaped in Fibonacci spirals is now #6 on the coolest‪ playgrounds in the world.

This Scope of Work (SOW) – was created to combine storm water management with a new sustainable playground and refurbish the entire outside portion of a DC school in FY12. This then became the model SOW for Play DC, 40 play sites in the District of Columbia.

The Design build renovations overall design focus on these key features: a rain garden, outdoor classroom, basketball court, playground, play fields, and LED lighting. Use new, innovative, and diverse playground elements that are environmentally friendly and serve as a teaching aid for students and teachers. This should be accomplished by improving storm water management and incorporate a teaching/educational component to maximize sustainable practices.

 Capture 100% of the site’s 1.7 inches of storm water and recycle it back into the landscape areas. And/Or meet the DDOE and LEED Requirement to reduce impervious cover, promote infiltration, and capture/treat storm water runoff from 90% of the average rainfall using best management and Limited Impact Development (LID)  practices.


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